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29 августа 2008
Sokrat: AZOVMASH will reorganize from OJSC to CJSC

At the shareholders’ meeting of AZOVMASH, based on a unanimous vote, the decision was taken to reorganize the company from an OJSC (Open Joint-Stock Company) to a CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock Company).

29 августа 2008
Sokrat: ZATR passes ISO 9001:2000 audit

Zaporizhtransformator [ZATR UZ, N/R], has passed an audit for its correspondence with international standards ISO 9001:2000. In particular, the reporting on the environmental facets and safety aspects of the enterprise was highlighted.

28 августа 2008
Sokrat: UZ renewed its rolling stock of USD 565 mln. KVBZ: POSITIVE

The State Railway Monopoly of Ukraine, Ukrzaliznytsya (UZ), has updated its rolling stock of USD 565 mln in 2008. The money was spent for purchases of 176 passenger railcars, 699 freight railcars, 20 electric locomotives bought through a leasing contract, 3 thermo locomotives, 8 trains, 4 rail buses, among other acquisitions.

22 августа 2008
Sokrat: Alston negotiates with Energoatom. TATM: NEGATIVE

According to the official web site of the State Enterprise National Nuclear Energy Generating Company Energoatom, it and the concern Alstom discussed the possibility of modernizing the rotors and condensers for the turbines of Ukrainian NPPs.

22 августа 2008
Sokrat: SMASH to deliver equipment for ALMK: NEUTRAL

As reported by the press service of Sumy Frunze Machine Building [SMASH UZ, N/R] on Thursday, August 21, the company will deliver exhaust-heat boilers and steam condensers to Alchevsk ISW [ALMK UZ, BUY]. The value of the contract is USD 12.2 mln.

22 августа 2008
Sokrat: Kyiv subway plans to be developed. KVBZ: POSITIVE

On August 20, the Kyiv Municipal Commission on Transport and Communications began a review of its subway development program for 2008-2011.

22 августа 2008
Sokrat: KVBZ signed a new contract: POSITIVE

On August 20, Kryukiv Railcar [KVBZ UZ, BUY] agreed to supply 1,000 gondola railcars to the company Arcelor Mittal Krivoi Rog (Dnepropetrovsk Region). The contract intends to be accomplished by April 2009.

13 августа 2008
Sokrat: LTPL increases production four-fold: POSITIVE

The Holding Company (HC) “Luganskteplovoz”, a Ukrainian monopolist manufacturer of mainline freight locomotives increased production in January-July more than four-fold over the same period in 2007 – rising to USD 123 mln.

12 августа 2008
Sokrat: LUAZ increased output by 80% YoY: NEUTRAL

The Automobile Plant "Bogdan" [LUAZ, BUY], a member of the Bogdan Corporation, increased its production of passenger cars by 80.2% YoY in the period January-July 2008 - up to 50.4 thsd units.

7 августа 2008
Sokrat: Sergei Shpak appointed CEO of MIG: NEUTRAL

Mr. Sergei Shpak, the CEO of UPTK, has been appointed as the CEO of the Mariupol Investment Group (MIG), the Company that owns 66% of UPTK, which in turns owns a 50% - 1 share in the Azvomash machine building holding.

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