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31 марта 2009
Kryukiv Railcar gets new order, maintains operations: POSITIVE

Kryukiv Railcar [KVBZ UZ, U/R] has announced the cancellation of its recent decision regarding the suspension of production activities, a decision that was taken upon receiving an order from Russia for production of 1,000 grain cars.

30 марта 2009
MSICH AGM releases 2008 results: MIXED

On March 27, Motor Sich [MSICH UZ, BUY] held its AGM in Zaporizhya, at which time it was revealed that the company ended 2008 with net sales of UAH 2.47 bln (USD 466 mln), which is up by 17%; however, net income dropped by 56 times to UAH 3.8 mln (USD 0.72 mln) in comparison with 2007.

27 марта 2009
Sumy Frunze Secures New Deal with Russia: POSITIVE

Sumy Frunze Machine Building [SMASH UZ, N/R] - one of largest European producers of equipment for the oil, gas, and chemical industries – has secured a deal with the Russian company ‘Tsentratomkomplekt’, for which it intends to supply pumping equipment for nuclear power plants. The contract is worth RUR 230 mln (UAH 53.226 mln as of March 25). According to SMASH’s press service, the equipment is to be delivered by October 2009.

26 марта 2009
SMASH signs US 6.8 mln contract with nuclear plants: POSITIVE

The Sumy Frunze Machine Building [SMASH UZ, N/R] company intends to deliver pumping equipment for nuclear power plants, valued at RUR 230 mln (UAH 53.226 mln or USD 6.8 mln as of March 25) to the Russian Tsentratomkomplekt company.

24 марта 2009
AvtoKrAZ outlines financial performance: NEGATIVE

According to newly-issued data, the Kremenchug-based AvtoKrAZ holding company [KRAZ UZ, N/R] – the only Ukrainian manufacturer of heavy trucks – recorded a net profit of UAH 66.117 mln (USD 12.47mln) in 2008, which is 10.6% lower than the year before (UAH 73.98 mln).

23 марта 2009
MSICH net income falls by 56 times YoY: NEGATIVE

According to officials from Motor Sich [MSICH UZ, BUY], the company ended 2008 with net sales of UAH 2.47 bln (USD 466 mln), which is up by 17%; however, net income dropped by 56 times to UAH 3.8 mln (USD 0.72 mln) in comparison with 2007.

17 марта 2009
Stakhaniv Railcar Fulfills Contract with PGOK: POSITIVE

The Luhansk-based Stakhaniv Railcar Works [SVGZ UZ, U/R], one of the largest wagon producers in Ukraine and part of the AvtoKrAZ holding, has announced the successful delivery of over 700 metric tons of welded metalware to the Poltava Ore Mining and Enrichment Plant, otherwise known as Poltava GOK [PGOK UZ, U/R].

16 марта 2009
DGRM records net losses for third year: STRONG NEGATIVE

Donetskgirmash [DGRM UZ, N/R], a large Ukrainian producer of mining machinery, has produced a net loss of USD 835 thsd (UAH 4.426 mln) in 2008, which is 8.1 times lower in UAH terms or 8.6 times lower in USD terms than reported in 2007.

16 марта 2009
DRMZ records USD 0.1 mln net profit in 2008: NEGATIVE

Druzhkivka Machinery [DRMZ UZ, U/R], one of leading producers of mining equipment in the CIS, has increased its net profit for 2008 to USD 0.1 mln.

16 марта 2009
HMBZ boosts bottom line by 48% to USD 9.1mln: POSITIVE

The Kharkiv-based Svitlo Shakhtarya Machine Building Plant [HMBZ UZ, HOLD], one of the largest CIS producers of scrape conveyors used in coal mining, has increased its net profit to USD 9.1 mln (UAH 48.501 mln, the AoP at USD/UAH 5.3 for 2008 and 5.05 for 2007) in 2008, which is 56% higher in UAH terms or 48% more in USD terms than was reported in 2007.

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