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9 апреля 2009
SMASH strikes USD 13 mln deal with Gazprom: POSITIVE

Sumy Frunze Machine Building [SMASH UZ, N/R] - one of largest European producers of equipment for the oil, gas, and chemical industries – has secured a deal with Russian gas monopoly ‘Gazprom’, whereby it will supply compressor equipment for the Ivanovskaya and Lukoyanovskaya compressor plants.

8 апреля 2009
LTPL increases output 6.8% in March 2009: NEUTRAL

According to the company’s own information, Luhanskteplovoz [LTPL UZ, N/R] increased output by 6.8% in March 2009.

8 апреля 2009
Ukrainian automobile market drops 75%: NEGATIVE

As of the end of March, the Ukrainian car market recorded a 75% drop compared to the same period in 2008, according to

7 апреля 2009
SVGZ decides not to pay dividends for 2008: NEUTRAL

The Luhansk-based Stakhaniv Railcar Works [SVGZ UZ, U/R], one of the largest wagon producers in Ukraine and part of the AvtoKrAZ holding, held its shareholders meeting on April 6, at which time it was decided that the company would not pay out dividends for 2008.

6 апреля 2009
AvtoKrAZ decides to not pay dividends: NEGATIVE

According to the AvtoKrAZ holding company [KRAZ UZ, N/R], which held its AGM in Kremenchug on Friday, the company decided to not pay out dividends. Instead, KRAZ will forward 95% of its recorded 2008 net profit of UAH 66.117 mln (USD 12.47 mln) towards the company’s development and the remaining 5% towards the company’s reserve fund.

3 апреля 2009
SMASH, MSICH may get orders for GTS modernization: POSITIVE

According to information published in the Kommersant newspaper, local machinery companies may receive orders for the modernization of the Gas Transportation System (GTS). The order book is valued at about USD 1.43 mln.

3 апреля 2009
Update: Kryukiv gets new order of 1000 grain hoppers: POSITIVE

On March 31, Kryukiv Railcar [KVBZ UZ, U/R] announced the cancellation of its recent decision regarding the suspension of production activities, a decision that was taken upon receiving an order from Russia for production of 1 thsd grain cars.

3 апреля 2009
KVBZ, LTPL to get UZ orders ahead of Euro2012 : POSITIVE

According to the First Deputy Director General of Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ), Mykola Lukhanin, the state railroad administration intends to spend UAH 4.9 bln (USD 636 mln at an exchange rate of UAH 7.7 per USD) on the development of its infrastructure in 2009.

2 апреля 2009
25%+1 of Transmashholding company sold: NEUTRAL

The French company ‘Alstom’ is going to acquire a 25%+1 stake in the mother company of the Closed Joint-Stock Company ‘Transmashholding’ (TMH).

1 апреля 2009
ZATR AGM releases 2008 results: POSITIVE

On March 31, Zaporizhtransformator [ZATR UZ, N/R] – the world's largest manufacturer of transformer equipment – held its AGM in Zaporizhya. According to the company’s information, ZATR ended 2008 with net sales of UAH 3.323 mln (USD 627 mln at exchange rate of USD/UAH 5.3), which is up by 60% in comparison with 2007.

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