Motor Sich [MSICH BUY], the sole Ukrainian manufacturer of engines for helicopters and jet airplanes, has reported 1Q08 net sales of USD 87 mln, which is 51.2% more than its performance in the same period last year.
Electricity generation and distribution company KIEN has reported its 1Q08 net sales up 21% YoY amounting to USD 354.4 mln.
Electricity generation company Dniproenergo [DNEN] has posted its 1Q08 financial results. Overall, YoY results appear to be worse than DNEN’s QoQ results, which, compared to 4Q07, have slightly improved.
Electricity distribution company Volynoblenergo [VOEN] approved a dividend payout of 15% of its net income for FY2007 at its April 24 AGM, implying USD 0.00017 per share.
Electricity distribution company Mykolaivoblenergo [MYON] decided during its April 23 AGM not to pay dividends for 2007. The company will direct 95% to its development and 5% to its reserve fund.
Electricity generation company Donbasenergo [DOEN] has reported its 1Q08 financial results, which show net sales for the period up 24.5% to USD 95mln, whereas gross profit decreased 22% due to higher COGS, implying a gross margin decrease from 18% to 11%.
Electricity distribution company Krymenergo [KREN] announced at its AGM on April 23 that it has approved a dividend payout of 15% of its net income for FY2007, which implies USD 0.00143 per share.
Electricity distribution company Poltavaoblenergo [POON] reported its 1Q08 net sales up 38% YoY to USD 72mln.
Electricity distribution company, Kharkivoblenergo [HAON], on its AGM on April 17, approved a dividend payout of 15% of net income for FY2007 which implies USD 0.0019 per share.
Electricity distribution company, Mykolaivoblenergo [MYON], increased its net sales for the period by 36% to USD 35mln.
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