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Экономика и политика

Экономика и политика
9 февраля 2009
Ukraine January inflation accelerates

According to a recent note from the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, CPI grew 2.9% MoM (22.3% YoY), while PPI grew 0.2% MoM (20.4% YoY).

Экономика и политика
9 февраля 2009
Ukraine reserves fall; IMF loan tranche postponed

According to an announcement from the National Bank of Ukraine, the foreign reserves fell 8.6% reaching USD 28.82, a 15-month low.

Экономика и политика
3 февраля 2009
Ukraine budget profits exceeded in January

According to information from Ukraine’s State Treasury, the budget profits in January reached UAH 12.2 bln (USD 1.6 bln), which is 1% higher than the planned figure. Previously, the Treasury reported that as of January 26, 2009, the budget profits were 55% below the planned indicator for the entire January.

Экономика и политика
29 декабря 2008
Ukraine Parliament accepts budget

The Ukrainian Parliament has passed the 2009 budget on Friday, December 26, 2008. The bill was supported by 226 MPs, exactly the number needed to pass the budget.

Экономика и политика
26 декабря 2008
Ukraine average wage down, delayed wages up in November

Late Christmas day State Statistics Committee of Ukraine announced that the average salary in Ukraine fell 4.9% MoM and the volume of delayed wages grew by 66.4%.

Экономика и политика
26 декабря 2008
Ukraine parliament fails to pass budget

Ukraine’s Parliament has failed to pass the 2009 draft budget proposed by the government. The draft budget proposed expenses of UAH 265.6 bln (USD 34.1 bln) and profits of UAH 237.5 bln (USD 30.5 bln). The project was supported by 223 MPs while 226 votes were needed for this bill to pass.

Экономика и политика
24 декабря 2008
Ukraine parliament imposes additional import tariffs

The Ukrainian Parliament has passed a bill that temporarily imposes an additional 13% tariff on all imports except critical imports (to be defined by the government). The bill was supported by 269 MPs from the governing coalition and Communist Party.

Экономика и политика
18 декабря 2008
External debt of Ukraine grows in 3Q08

The gross external debt grew 42.0% or USD 31.2 bln between October 2007 and October 2009 and reached USD 105.4 bln.

Экономика и политика
18 декабря 2008
Ukraine CA deficit shrinks in 3Q08

The CA deficit in Ukraine shrunk in 3Q08 to USD 1.6 bln; a 47.5% decrease compared to the CA deficit in 2Q08 of USD 3.0 bln. The trade balance deficit has contracted to USD 2.1 bln, compared to USD 3.6 bln in 2Q08. The financial account surplus was not altered substantially, staying around USD 2.3 bln. Foreign direct investment fell to USD 3.4 bln, compared to USD 3.8 bln last quarter.

Экономика и политика
16 декабря 2008
Ukraine GDP continues falling in November

Ukraine’s real GDP fell 14.4% YoY in November after a 2.1% contraction in October. Therefore, the GDP YoY growth in January-November 2008 reached 3.6%, compared to the 5.8% growth seen in January-October 2008.

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PFTS (17:30) Up 266,52 0,09 0,03%
UX (13:59) Down 1 051,86 -1,05 -0,10%

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USD Up 2 603,66 0,55 0,02%
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