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21 мая 2008
Sokrat: Dniprospetsstal: it was their baby, their choice

On May 20, EastOne, the main holding company of Viktor Pinchuk, disclosed that it had sold its stake in Dniprospetsstal [DNSS UZ, U/R].

21 мая 2008
Sokrat: Zaporizhstal opens at USD 1.03, up 73%: POSITIVE

On May 20, Zaporizhstal [ZPST UZ, BUY] re-opened on PFTS after almost 2 years of being delisted.

21 мая 2008
Sokrat: KVBZ increases production 6.9% MoM in April: POSITIVE

Kryukivka Carriage Works [KVBZ, U/R] increased its production in April 6.9% MoM from 608 to 652 carriages, four of which were passenger cars.

21 мая 2008
Sokrat: NITR reduces output 1.8% YoY: neutral

In 4M2008, Interpipe Nyzhnodniprovsky Pipe Rolling Works [NITR UZ, SELL], reduced its pipe output 1.8% YoY to 204.2 thsd metric tons. In April 2008, the mill produced 50.4 thsd metric tons of pipes (6.7% fall MoM).

Сельское хозяйство
21 мая 2008
Sokrat: Veres plans IPO: POSITIVE

Veres Group, one of the top Ukrainian producers of preserved food, is considering an IPO.

21 мая 2008
Sokrat: Poland resumes electricity import from Ukraine: POSITIVE

Ukrinterenergo, the Ukrainian state intermediary on all electricity export contracts, resumed electricity sales in April 2008 to Poland, now at the significantly higher price of USD 55 per MWh, a 96% increase since initial sales were interrupted in Sept. 2007.

21 мая 2008
Sokrat: Moldova to buy electricity at higher prices: POSITIVE

Ukraine and Moldova have agreed on upping the price of Ukrainian exported electricity to Moldova in the next year to the Ukrainian domestic market price.

Экономика и политика
21 мая 2008
Sokrat: Exports accelerate to 28.5% YoY in 1Q08

Official statistics on Ukraine’s foreign trade show exports grew 28.5% to USD 13.8 bln in 1Q08.

Сельское хозяйство
20 мая 2008
Sokrat: Astarta Holding NV posts 1Q 2008 results: POSITIVE

Astarta Holding NV [AST PW], one of the top Ukrainian sugar mills, released its 1Q 2008 financial results, revealing net revenues increased 57% YoY to USD 29.8 mln, EBITDA surged 109% YoY to USD 12.8 mln, net income totaled USD 8.4 mln (up 80% YoY) and a 43% YoY increase in sugar sales.

20 мая 2008
Sokrat: SVGZ shareholders OK share emission at AGM: POSITIVE

At Stakhaniv Carriage Works’ [SVGZ, U/R] AGM May 19, shareholder’s approved the decision to increase the statutory fund via emission of 37.7 million ordinary shares in documentary form at USD 0.21 par value.

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Δ, день Δ, %
PFTS (17:30) Up 266,52 0,09 0,03%
UX (13:59) Down 1 051,86 -1,05 -0,10%

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Δ, день Δ, %
USD Up 2 603,66 0,55 0,02%
EUR Up 2 912,72 4,26 0,15%
RUB Up 4,41 0,05 1,13%
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