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Сельское хозяйство
20 июня 2008
Sokrat: Sugar wholesale price to increase: POSITIVE

Ukrsugar, the Ukrainian association of sugar producers, estimates the minimum sugar price at USD 0.82 due to the substantial cost increases of its production.

20 июня 2008
Sokrat: Mostobud to begin Olympic Stadium reconstruction: POSITIVE

Mostobud [MTBD: BUY] has been chosen to start the reconstruction and is also a preferred candidate for the further rebuilding of the Olympic Stadium, the main event venue for Euro 2012 in Ukraine.

20 июня 2008
Sokrat: Avdiivka Coke AGM brings no surprises: NEUTRAL

Avdiivka Coke [AVDK UZ, Strong BUY] conducted this year’s AGM on June 19.

20 июня 2008
Sokrat: DMZK increases output 36.7% YoY in 5M2008: POSITIVE

Dnipropetrovsk Comintern Steel Works [DMZK UZ, BUY] increased its pipe output 36.7% YoY to 97.5 thsd metric tons and produced 20.4 thsd tons in 5M2008.

19 июня 2008
Sokrat: KVBZ to produce double-decker railcar: NEUTRAL

Kryukovsky Railcar [KVBZ UZ, U/R], the only Ukrainian producer of both passenger and freight railcars, has cinched a deal to produce double-decker passenger railcars with Finland’s Transtech Oy, which specializes in the production of these types of cars.

Сельское хозяйство
19 июня 2008
Sokrat: Trigon Agri increases land bank to 129.5 thsd ha: POSITIVE

Trigon Agri [TAGR SS, N/R], a Dutch agricultural company, expanded its land bank to 129.5 thsd ha in Ukraine and Russia.

18 июня 2008
Sokrat: Azovstal is testing new vacuum vessel: POSITIVE

On June 17, Azovstal [AZST UZ, BUY] reported in a Metinvest Holding press release that it has tested a brand new vacuum vessel.

Экономика и политика
18 июня 2008
Sokrat: Trade deficit widens, trade turnover grows in Ukraine

Official statistics for foreign mercantile trade and domestic trade turnover were released. In January-April 2008, Ukrainian export of goods rose 30.9% YoY to USD 19.3 bln. Import of goods in this respective period totalled USD 26.7 bln, which is 50.3% above imports for 4M07.

Сектор потребительских товаров
18 июня 2008
Sokrat: Kernel released results for 1Q08: POSITIVE

Kernel Trade, a vertically-integrated part of the Kernel Group [KER PW, N/R], recorded a three-fold increase of net revenues to USD 194.1 mln and an expansion of net income to USD 7.34 mln.

Сектор потребительских товаров
18 июня 2008
Sokrat: The Government to increase sugar beet subsidies: POSITIVE

The Ukrainian government is planning to expand subsidies for sowing sugar beets 26.7% to USD 154.5 per ha (vs. USD 113.3 per ha in 2006), Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said, Ukranews reported.

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PFTS (17:30) Up 266,52 0,09 0,03%
UX (13:59) Down 1 051,86 -1,05 -0,10%

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Δ, день Δ, %
USD Up 2 603,66 0,55 0,02%
EUR Up 2 912,72 4,26 0,15%
RUB Up 4,41 0,05 1,13%
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