The Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture released information on the progress of the harvest. As of July 25, 2008, agricultural companies harvested an overall 19,680.4 thsd mt of grain on 6.027 mln ha of land. The average yield amounted a 3.31 mt/ha.
The Kernel Group [KER PW, N/R] acquired an agricultural farm with 1.7 thsd ha of leased land in Central Ukraine.
According to the National Electricity Regulatory Commission, industrial electricity tariffs will see a 4.6% increase for small industrial consumers and a 3.9% increase for large industrial consumers in August 2008.
The electricity generation company Centrenergo [CEEN UZ] reported on its 1H08 financials. Net sales increased 41% YoY, amounting to USD 407 mln.
Ukraine's national incumbent fixed line operator Ukrtelecom [UTEL UZ, U/R] ended April-June with losses of UAH 101.888 mln.
Ukrnafta [UNAF UZ, Strong BUY] has released its official preliminary 1H08 financials on July 25.
Joint Venture Metalen LLC, which together with OJSC Enakievo ISW [ENMZ UZ, BUY] comprise the so-called Enakievo ISW Group, has released its 1H08 financials.
According to the market research agency IKS-Consulting, Ukrtelecom [UTEL UZ, U/R] increased its mobile users by 29.1% in June.
Electricity generation companies Dniproenergo [DNEN UZ] and Zakhidnergo [ZAEN UZ] reported its 2Q08 financials.
Yuliya Tymoshenko, the Premier Minister of Ukraine, has promised to maintain tax benefits for agrarians, according to the Unian news service
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