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23 сентября 2008
Sokrat: SVGZ launches new metal works: NEUTRAL

Avantazh Corporation is initiating a private placement of 15% of its shares in Nov-Dec 2008.

Химия и фармацевтические продукты
23 сентября 2008
Sokrat: Borshchagivskiy Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant to sell 69% of stock

The CJSC “Borshchagivskiy Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant” has announced its intention to sell up to 69% of its common shares on October 28, 2008. The estimated price per share in this sellout deal will be equal to USD 20,191.28 in its UAH equivalent.

Сельское хозяйство
22 сентября 2008
Sokrat: Sugar production campaign gets underway: NEUTRAL

Astarta [AST PW, BUY] and Ukrros [UROS UZ, N/R], the top Ukrainian sugar producing companies, have announced the beginning of their sugar production campaigns.

22 сентября 2008
Sokrat: Wholesale electricity price up 4%: POSITIVE

The wholesale electricity price for October 2008, set by the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), increased 4% compared to September, reaching USD 79.4 per MWh. Thus the YtD tariff increase for January-October 2008 has reached 40% in local currency (UAH).

22 сентября 2008
Sokrat: KVBZ receives license to install escalators: POSITIVE

Kryukiv Railcar [KVBZ, BUY] has received a license for the installation of tunnel escalators in Ukraine.

22 сентября 2008
Sokrat: KVBZ increases output: POSITIVE

In August, Kryukiv Railcar [KVBZ UZ, BUY] increased railcar production by 2.27% MoM to 631 railcars, 14 of which were passenger railcars.

19 сентября 2008
Sokrat: DMPO GM approves creation of admin subsidiary: NEUTRAL

Shareholders of Dniprometiz [DMPO UZ, N/R] approved the creation of Dniprometiz Kraznozavod Facility LLC at an EGM on September 17. OJSC Dniprometiz will be the sole participant with a 100% stake. No assets will be contributed, and the statutory fund of UAH 16.5 mln (about USD 3.3 mln) will be paid in cash 100% by OJSC Dniprometiz.

19 сентября 2008
Sokrat: ALMK to launch converter No. 1 very soon: POSITIVE

Alchevsk ISW [ALMK UZ, BUY] plans to launch the 3 mln mt oxygen converter No. 1, the company’s second, on September 19-20. According to Metal Courier, the company will simultaneously retire a total of 1.4 mln tpa of open hearth steel smelting capacities.

19 сентября 2008
Sokrat: KRAZ to terminate leasing program due to crisis: NEGATIVE

According to Serhiy Sazonov, the CEO of HK “AvtoKrAZ” [KRAZ, N/R], the only Ukrainian manufacturer of heavy trucks, AvtoKrAZ is being forced to scale down the program "KrAZ by credit" and "KrAZ lease” due to the credit crisis in Ukraine.

19 сентября 2008
Sokrat: Long Distance Call Providers’ Aug. Revenues Down 2.7%: NEUTRAL

According to a statement made on September 16, 2008 by the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, August revenues of long distance telephone operators fell by 2.7% to UAH 461.5 mln, in comparison with July’s revenues, which totaled UAH 449 mln.

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PFTS (17:30) Up 266,52 0,09 0,03%
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USD Up 2 603,66 0,55 0,02%
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