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Сельское хозяйство
9 июня 2009
Grain pool can be created by Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan: MIXED

At a meeting in St Petersburg the Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakh ministers of agriculture disclosed the intention of creating a Black Sea region grain pool.

Экономика и политика
9 июня 2009
Ukraine CPI growth is low, PPI declines in May

According to a note from the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, CPI grew 0.5% MoM in May (14.7% YoY, 7.4% YTD). PPI declined 0.7% MoM (4.4% YoY growth, 2.8% YTD growth)

Сектор потребительских товаров
5 июня 2009
MHP’s 1Q09 results: POSITIVE

Myronovsky Khliboproduk [MHPC LI, BUY], has released its 1Q09 financial and operational results. Key operational results: chicken production facilities are operating at full capacity, meat production is unchanged from the 2008 level; the poultry selling price denominated in UAH increased by 18% YoY, the cost production of 1 kg slightly decreased YoY.

5 июня 2009
NCRC proposed new interconnect tariffs: NEUTRAL

The National Communication Regulation Commission (NCRC), the state regulator, has announced new interconnect tariffs for F2M termination calls. NCRC has proposed a new tariff of UAH 0.45 per minute through the end of the current year and UAH 0.4 per minute from Jan 1, 2010. The interconnect tariff for M2F will stay at USH 0.25 per minute.

5 июня 2009
LUAZ reduced its capacity utilization in 2009: NEGATIVE

In an interview with Ukrainian News, Oleg Svinarchuk, President of Bogdan Automobile Plant [LUAZ UZ, U/R], claimed that the company has reduced its expectations regarding plant capacity utilization from 60-70% to 20-40%.

5 июня 2009
ZATR modernized winding equipment : POSITIVE

According to a press release from Zaporizhtransformator [ZATR UZ, N/R] – the world's largest manufacturer of transformer equipment – the company has modernized its winding equipment, which includes three vertical and one horizontal winding machines.

4 июня 2009
Ukrainian steel output up 13% in May: MIXED

Ukrainian News reported on iron, crude steel, and rolled products production for May.

4 июня 2009
Ukrainian pipe output up 13% in May: MIXED

Ukrainian News reported on pipe production for May, which amounted to 133.1 thsd mt. This is up 13% MoM, but still 36% below the average 2008 monthly output of 208.8 thsd mt.

4 июня 2009
DNSS loses USD 6 mln, plans CapEx, may dilute: SELL

Ukrainian News, a news agency, ran an interview with Vitaliy Kornievskiy, interim CEO of Dniprospetsstal [DNSS UZ, U/R]. Kornievskiy reported a loss (either net or before tax) of UAH 46.9 mln (USD 6.1 mln) for 1Q09. The company is probing various sources in order to finance several CapEx projects (total of about USD 90 mln until 2012), including debt and financing from equipment suppliers.

4 июня 2009
SPF to privatize CHON in November 2009: POSITIVE

The State Property Fund (SPF) announced the schedule of privatization auctions for 2-4Q09 quarters 2009. In particular, the SPF intends to sell a 46% stake in regional power distributing company Cherkasyoblenergo [CHON UZ, BUY] on the local stock exchange in November 2009.

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PFTS (17:30) Up 266,52 0,09 0,03%
UX (13:59) Down 1 051,86 -1,05 -0,10%

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USD Up 2 603,66 0,55 0,02%
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