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Сектор потребительских товаров

Сектор потребительских товаров
9 июля 2008
Sokrat: Kovelmoloko plans 15 times increase of its charter fund: NEUTRAL

Kovelmoloko [KMOL UZ, BUY] is a main asset of the Western Milk Group (WMG), accounting for 33% of the group’s total output.

Сектор потребительских товаров
3 июля 2008
Sokrat: Slavutych affiliates with Carlsberg Eastern Europe: POSITIVE

Slavutych [SLAV UZ, BUY], a Ukrainian beer producer, formerly affiliated with the Baltic Beverage Holding (BBH), became a part of the international holding Carlsberg.

Сектор потребительских товаров
1 июля 2008
Sokrat: Prydniprovsk Dairy’s AGM results: POSITIVE

Prydniprovsk Dairy Plant, a Ukrainian independent dairy producer, held a successful AGM on June 30, 2008.

Сектор потребительских товаров
18 июня 2008
Sokrat: Kernel released results for 1Q08: POSITIVE

Kernel Trade, a vertically-integrated part of the Kernel Group [KER PW, N/R], recorded a three-fold increase of net revenues to USD 194.1 mln and an expansion of net income to USD 7.34 mln.

Сектор потребительских товаров
18 июня 2008
Sokrat: The Government to increase sugar beet subsidies: POSITIVE

The Ukrainian government is planning to expand subsidies for sowing sugar beets 26.7% to USD 154.5 per ha (vs. USD 113.3 per ha in 2006), Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said, Ukranews reported.

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