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Сектор потребительских товаров

Сектор потребительских товаров
1 июня 2009
Lvivska Brovarnia to gain market share: POSITIVE

Lvivska Brovarnia, a Ukrainian beer producer affiliated with Carlsberg Group Ukraine (Slavutych), increased its beer output by 43.9% YoY to 4.6 mln dal in January-April, 2009. In 2008, the company increased its beer output by 9% to 16.1 mln dal.

Сектор потребительских товаров
14 мая 2009
Ukraine’s government to increase beer excise by 74.2%: NEUTRAL

The government of Ukraine endorsed the draft of a bill that will increase the beer excise by 74.2% to UAH 0.54 (USD 0.07) per liter. Moreover, the government proposed to increase the wine excise by 2.8 times to UAH 1.4 (USD 0.18) per liter. The draft will be forwarded to the Parliament for further consideration and adoption.

Сектор потребительских товаров
12 мая 2009
Vinnifruit decreases revenues by 4.2% YoY in 2008: NEUTRAL

Vinnifruit [VINIP UZ, N/R], a Ukrainian juice producer, released its financial results for 2008. Key highlights: net revenues decreased by 4.2% YoY to UAH 174.6 mln (USD 22.68 mln), EBIT shrank by 2.6 times to UAH 9.7 mln (USD 1.26 mln) and net losses amounted to UAH 104.3 mln (USD 13.55 mln).

Сектор потребительских товаров
30 апреля 2009
Ukrros’ meeting results: NEUTRAL

Ukrros [36U1 GR, HOLD], the number two sugar producer in Ukraine, with a market share of 12.7% in 2008, held a meeting to update analysts on its annual financial and operational results.

Сектор потребительских товаров
28 апреля 2009
Kovelmoloko posted net income of USD 0.2 mln: NEUTRAL

Kovelmoloko [KMOL UZ, HOLD], a Ukrainian dairy producer, increased its net revenues in 2008 by 7.1% YoY to UAH 285.9 mln (USD 37.14 mln). The company’s net income shrank by 60% YoY to UAH 1.4 mln (USD 0.2 mln).

Сектор потребительских товаров
24 апреля 2009
Creative’s preliminary results for 2008: MIXED

The Creative Group is a Ukrainian vegetable oil and fat producer.

Сектор потребительских товаров
15 апреля 2009
MHP releases preliminary 2008 results: NEUTRAL

MHP [MHPC LI, spec. BUY], a vertically integrated holding that is comprised of 20 enterprises focusing on the poultry business and grain cultivation, has released its preliminary financial results for the 2008 financial year.

Сектор потребительских товаров
2 апреля 2009
Ukrros to increase sugar beet cultivated land by 40%: POSITIVEc

The Ukrros [UROS UZ, U/R], one of the top three sugar producers in Ukraine, is planning to increase its land cultivated with sugar beets by 38.5% YoY to 18 thsd ha in the 2009/10 marketing year.

Сектор потребительских товаров
2 апреля 2009
Myronivsky Khliboprodukt’s plans for expansion: POSITIVE

Myronivsky Khliboprodukt [MHPC LI, HOLD], a vertically integrated holding with a focus on poultry production and grain cultivation, plans to launch an oil extraction plant in the Chernyhiv Region of Ukraine by August-September 2009.

Сектор потребительских товаров
23 марта 2009
Raw cane sugar enters Ukrainian market: MIXED

Last Thursday, the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy started the procedure on processing applications from companies that import raw cane, which is taxed at 2% of its customs value.

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