Press Center / News

‘Sokrat’ Investment Group Introduces New Internet-Based Service

July 18, 2008

As of July of this year, the ‘Sokrat’ Financial Company is offering a new service, which entails the Custodian sending statements on securities transactions to its customers via Internet. The opportunity to provide this service was realized as part of the implementation of the company’s program on the automation of business processes, which got underway in early 2008.

The company is constantly working on expanding its range of services and providing additional services to both existing and potential customers, using the latest developments in information technology.

“Using Internet mailings allows customers to save time in acquiring information, since this activity allows them to see the movements regarding securities accounts on the day of their operation,” explained Natalia Butusova, the Director of the ‘Sokrat’ Financial Company. “In order for an individual to obtain accurate information from the Custodian, the only thing required is to have an e-mail address. For the company’s clients, this service is provided free of charge”.

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