LLC «Financial Company «Sokrat», a member of «Sokrat» investment group, became the third according to the amount of its activities in the first quarter of 2008 based on ranking of securities custodians, compiled by Professional Association of Registrars and Depositaries (PARD).
Total number of concluded transactions, carried out by the Custodian in the first quarter of 2008 reached 9 641, which amounts to more than 50% of total number of transaction for 2007 (for reference - last year the custodian carried out 18 874 transactions).
Total amount of transactions according to the face value reached more than 340 million Hryvnias (75% of total amount of transactions for 2007).
PARD ranking is compiled every quarter. The ranking includes data on 39 custodian companies. The companies are assessed according to the following criteria: number and amount of concluded transactions, number of depositor accounts and the amount of depository assets (number of securities deposited at the custodian).
«In the first quarter of 2008 the custodian opened 710 new securities accounts, which indicates considerable trust of clients and high quality of provided services. Amount of depositary assets of the custodian in the first quarter increased almost 1,5 times compared to 2007 and reached more than 330 million Hryvnias» - said the Director of LLC «Financial Company «Sokrat» Natalya Butusova.
PARD – is a voluntary not-for-profit non-governmental organization, based on principles of equality, free expression of the will and common interests of its members. It facilitates fair competition between the stock market players as to keeping registers of securities owners, record of securities flow and depositary activities.