As part of the Art-Banking program, the ‘Sokrat’ Investment Group starts seminars dedicated to investing into Objects of Art. The seminars are called to present most fully and comprehensively the opportunities of the Art Market as a potentially attractive and promising place for investment.
At 18.30 on December 2, 2008, Parus Business Center located at Mechnykova St., 2, 8th floor, city of Kyiv, will host the first seminar “Painting: a hobby, or a tool of investment?”.
Within the framework of seminar the following questions will be taken up:
• From what to begin investing into Art Object?
• How to choose work of art for investments?
• What does influence on the cost of one or another Art Object?
In spite of the fact that the modern Ukrainian Art Market is in the stage of becoming, its dynamic rates of development and relatively low price levels appeals to a greater number of both domestic and foreign investors. At the same time, according to Elena Kolosvetova, the Director of Private Banking at ‘Sokrat’, far not every potential investor knows about the peculiarities of Art Market and its possibilities. The market of Art Objects in an informative plan is less transparent as compared to a fund market. «You won’t meet clear quotations and charts here, most transactions are closed at the «over-the-counter» gallery market, and the great number of factors influences on the cost of the Art Object: merits of artist, authenticity of work, period of creation and a lot of other things», Elena Kolosvetova marked. A few years ago you could buy the pictures of classics of the Ukrainian painting for 1-2 thousand dollars, and now in 2008 their works are sold for tens of thousands of dollars.
During the seminar participants will be able to familiarize themselves with works of the Russian and Ukrainian artists of the end of XIX - beginning of XX ages, and also with works of not popular and yet not appraised works from the ‘Sokrat’ Investment Group collection. «You will be able to be not only attached to wonderful but also open on your own a new investment instrument – Objects of Art», Elena Kolosvetova underlined.
Registration in Kiev:
Tel.: 8 (044) 207-01-05, 207-01-06
Contact person – Elena Kolosvetova
In order to get individual consultation on questions of investing into objects of art you can make an appointment with an art expert-critic with 8 –years experience on an art-market Inessa Mezian.
Tel.: 8 (044) 207-01-05, 207-01-06
Press Service of the ‘Sokrat’ investment group
Tel/Fax: +38 044 207 01 00