Now that Sokrat Financial Company obtained a general license for foreign currency operations, it broadens the range of services for foreign investors. Being licensed as foreign currency operator, Sokrat Financial Company is authorized to render marketable securities operations services to non-residents, including: receiving foreign currency from the non-resident investor on the account in the authorized bank; buy and sell marketable securities for non-residents in Ukraine, with further transfer of returns from those operations to foreign investors abroad, without obtaining an individual license from the National Bank of Ukraine.
“Obtaining a general license for foreign currency operations facilitates our long-term and mutually beneficial partnership with foreign investors. First of all, it allows non-residents to cooperate with us directly in transactions with marketable securities. Sokrat, in this case, serves as a direct intermediary in the process of attracting foreign capital to Ukrainian stock market”. – says First Deputy Board Chairman of Sokrat Financial Company, Aleksandr Smaliy.