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Sokrat Financial Company ranked number five (5) in the Professional Association of Registrars and Depositors’ (PARD) rating of Custodians, as result of 4th quarter of 2007.

February 12, 2008

At that, the total number of depositors’ accounts amounted to 1011, and the volume of depository assets of the Custodian at nominal price amounted to 238 891 102 UAH.

PARD rating is done on the quarterly basis. Overall, the rating included 35 custody companies. Rating participants are evaluated, based on the following criteria: number and volume of registration operations, number of depositors’ accounts, as well as the volume of depository assets, i.e. the volume of marketable securities in custody.

“The position in PARD rating reflects the level of clients’ trust towards Sokrat and our principles of doing business: individual approach, professional service, flexible price policy, strict confidentiality. We cherish our clients’ trust and take care of increasing their level of loyalty,” – stated Natalya Butusova, Sokrat Financial Company Director.

PARD – voluntary non-government, non-profit organization, founded on the principles of equality, free will, and common interests of all participant members. The organization facilitates the fair competition among the stock market players, in the field of registering owners of marketable securities, accounting for the flow of marketable securities, and depository activity.

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