Home / Sales and Trading / The History of the Ukrainian Stock MarketThe History of the Ukrainian Stock Market
The companies founded at the dawn of the Ukrainian stock market have a keen understanding of the market and its intricacies. Thus, they boast the experience needed for analyzing market trends, dynamics and risks.
These companies are ranked high on the PFTS and show growth indicators that exceed those of the market. Such companies are most valued by foreign investors and prospective Ukrainian investors.
The Sokrat Investment Group was founded 14 years ago. Today, it is one of Ukraine’s leading stock market players.
Sokrat has been a member of international partnerships with:
The Warsaw Stock Exchange and the Vienna Stock Exchange.
Global M&A, one of the world’s leading partnerships of M&A houses, with a presence in 36 countries in Europe, Asia and America.
As of 2007, Sokrat was ranked third among PFTS stock market traders, with an 8.11% market share and USD 320 mln in traded share volume.
Sokrat is one of Ukraine’s first investment companies to offer asset management services such as private equity, managed accounts, private banking, and pre-IPO funds.
Sokrat mutual funds rank as leaders in Ukraine in terms of their return rate and volume of managed assets, according to the Ukrainian Investment Business Association (UIBA) and the information server Investfunds.com.ua.
Sokrat’s regional network covers all of Ukraine’s key regions, providing clients with an unparalleled reach on Ukraine’s market and exceeding any service that local investment companies offer.