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Metals and Mining

Metals and Mining
February 5, 2009
Ukrainian pipe output: uniformly down in Jan

Ukrainian pipes and tubes production for January, 84 thsd mt, is down 30% MoM. Earlier, we reported a 62% MoM drop, which was wrong due to an incorrect December production value used in the comparison.

Metals and Mining
February 3, 2009
DNSS net loss UAH 374 mln in 4Q08: NEGATIVE

Ukrainian News, a news agency, reported on data provided in a Dniprospetsstal [DNSS UZ, U/R] AGM invitation. The FY08 net loss amounts to UAH 204 mln, or USD 38.7 mln (at FY08 USD/UAH average of 5.27).

Metals and Mining
February 3, 2009
Ukraine decreases pipe output 62% MoM in Jan: NEGATIVE

Interfax-Ukraine reported on pipes and tubes production for January, which amounted to 84 thsd mt. This is down 62% MoM, and 59% below the average 2008 monthly output of 205 thsd mt, and 62% below the average 2007 monthly reading of 220 thsd mt.

Metals and Mining
February 3, 2009
Ukraine increases steel output 5% MoM in Jan: POSITIVE

Interfax-Ukraine reported on steel production numbers for January. According to our calculations, the total crude steel output of Ukrainian steelmakers amounted to 2.12 mln mt last month.

Metals and Mining
February 3, 2009
Ukraine increases coke output 13% MoM in Jan: POSITIVE

Interfax-Ukraine reported on coke production for January, which amounted to 1.28 mln mt. This is up 13% MoM, but still 21% below the average 2008 monthly output of 1.62 mln mt, and 24% below the average 2007 monthly reading of 1.68 mln mt.

Metals and Mining
December 31, 2008
PGOK acquires 6.4% treasury shares. Will it cancel?

At a December 30 EGM, shareholders of Poltava GOK [PGOK UZ, U/R], also called Ferrexpo Poltava Mining, voted two representatives of DCM DECOmetal International Trading GmbH, off of its Supervisory Board. According to a company press release, the decision is related to the fact that on December 22, 2008, Poltava GOK bought back all shares that were owned by DCM DECOmetal International Trading GmbH.

Metals and Mining
December 30, 2008
Enakievo ISW group output up 49% MoM in Dec: POSITIVE

According to Metal Courier estimates, the Enakievo ISW group, which includes OJSC Enakievo Iron & Steel Works [ENMZ UZ, U/R], smelted 199 thsd mt of steel in December, which is up 49% MoM. This month’s output is only 14% below the 11M08 average of 230 thsd mt.

Metals and Mining
December 30, 2008
Zaporizhstal’s output up 20% MoM in December: POSITIVE

Zaporizhstal [ZPST UZ, U/R] increased crude steel output to 283 thsd mt in December, according to Metal Courier estimates, which is up 20% MoM and only 15% below the average 11M08 level of 333 thsd mt per month.

Metals and Mining
December 30, 2008
Ukraine’s steel output up 25% MoM in Dec: POSITIVE

Metal Courier has reported preliminary estimates of steel production numbers for December. The total crude steel output of Ukrainian steelmakers amounted to 1.99 mln mt this month, which is 25% above the November reading of 1.60 mln mt, but still 38% below the average 11M08 monthly level of 3.19 mln mt.

Metals and Mining
December 30, 2008
MMKI’s output up 44% MoM in December: POSITIVE

Mariupol Illich Iron & Steel Works [MMKI UZ, U/R] increased crude steel output to 295 thsd mt in December, according to Metal Courier estimates, which is up 44% MoM but still 39% below the average 11M08 level of 483 thsd mt per month.

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Stock indices

Δ, day Δ, %
PFTS (17:30) Up 266,52 0,09 0,03%
UX (13:59) Down 1 051,86 -1,05 -0,10%

NBU Exchange Rates

Δ, day Δ, %
USD Up 2 603,66 0,55 0,02%
EUR Up 2 912,72 4,26 0,15%
RUB Up 4,41 0,05 1,13%
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