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August 3, 2007
Oblenergos: for starters – most liquid
Ukrainian electricity distribution companies (oblenergos) have, we believe, strong upside potential. This potential is currently obscured by two factors. One is heavy industry regulation; the other is their current “cost plus” tariff formation method. Both factors have produced unimpressive financial results. Combine this with low household electricity tariffs and a high level of electricity grid depreciation, and the need for two things becomes strikingly apparent - intensive modernization and industry reform.

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Stock indices

Δ, day Δ, %
PFTS (17:30) Up 266,52 0,09 0,03%
UX (13:59) Down 1 051,86 -1,05 -0,10%

NBU Exchange Rates

Δ, day Δ, %
USD Up 2 603,66 0,55 0,02%
EUR Up 2 912,72 4,26 0,15%
RUB Up 4,41 0,05 1,13%
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