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Economy and politics

Economy and politics
November 15, 2010
Trade balance deficit in 9M10 increased to USD 5.4 bln

The trade balance deficit in 9M10 increased to USD 5.4 bln, while the surplus in the services trade balance in 9M10 rose to USD 4.3 bln. Export of goods in 9M10 added 32.1%, amounting to USD 36.3 bln, while imports added 32.2% and amounted to USD 41.7 bln.

Economy and politics
November 11, 2010
MoE plans mass privatization

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine has initiated the privatization of a number of companies that were recently excluded from list of strategic enterprises: thermal power stations, subways, aviation companies, machinery plants, coal mines etc.

Economy and politics
November 8, 2010
IMF looks positively at Ukrainian Economy

The head of the IMF mission to the Ukraine noted the revival of trade, the positive expectations of investors, and the successful placement of government bonds. He considers the 2.9% rise in inflation in September as a timely factor.

Economy and politics
November 5, 2010
NBU foreign reserves decrease by 1.2%

Foreign reserves of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) decreased by 1.2% in October to USD 34.3 bln, amounting to a 10M10 growth of 29.2%.

Economy and politics
October 29, 2010
Government debt increased to 37.5% of GDP

Direct state debt and state-guaranteed debt of Ukraine grew by 4.4% to USD 50.4 bln in September. In 9M10, this equals a 27% increase.

Economy and politics
October 27, 2010
Financial account rose to USD 7.3 bln

In 9М10, the financial account balance rose to a positive USD 7.3 bln.

Economy and politics
October 21, 2010
In 9М10, the banking system net loss equaled UAH 10 bln

In the third quarter, the net loss in the Ukrainian banking system equaled UAH 10 bln.

Economy and politics
October 18, 2010
Industrial output accelerated to 10.2% in September

Темпы восстановления промышленного производства в Украине в сентябре 2010 года ускорились до 10.2% г/г, что за 9М10 составляет 10.8% г/г.

Economy and politics
October 12, 2010
Moody's upgrades Ukraine’s rating to “B2 stable”

International rating agency Moody's Investors Service changed Ukraine’s rating from “B2 negative” to “B2 stable”.

Economy and politics
October 8, 2010
CPI increased by 2.9% in September

Consumer price index (CPI) increased by 2.9% in September 2010 pushing annualized inflation to 10.5%.

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Stock indices

Δ, day Δ, %
PFTS (17:30) Up 266,52 0,09 0,03%
UX (13:59) Down 1 051,86 -1,05 -0,10%

NBU Exchange Rates

Δ, day Δ, %
USD Up 2 603,66 0,55 0,02%
EUR Up 2 912,72 4,26 0,15%
RUB Up 4,41 0,05 1,13%
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Office 65, 70 Pochaininskaya str.,
Kiev 04070, Ukraine
E-mail: contact@sokrat.com.ua

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