Seven oblenergos have reported on their financial results for 3Q09, including CHEN UZ, CHON UZ, KION UZ, VOEN UZ, ZAON UZ, ZOEN UZ, and the traded OTC Sumyoblenergo (often referred to as SOEN). In 3Q09, only CHEN and CHON posted earnings (UAH 8 mln and 4 mln respectively). The remaining power distributers generated a net loss in 3Q09, with KION and VOEN being the worst performers in 3Q09 (with a UAH 25 mln and UAH 7 mln net loss, respectively). In 9M09, only KION posted a UAH 19 mln net loss, while all other oblenergos were profitable. As for net sales, only ZAON suffered a 9% decline in its 9M09 net sales. This was due to lower power consumption on the part of industrial users, which represent a major part of the Company’s clientele. With a net margin at 12% in 9M09, CHEN remains the most profitable oblenergo.