Myronivsky Hliboproduct [MHPC LI], a major Ukrainian poultry meat producer, finished 3Q2009 with a net profit of USD 13 mln, which is 5.3 times lower than the USD 69 mln (UAH 103 mln) posted in 3Q2008. The Company’s revenues declined by 22% YoY in 3Q2009 in dollar terms, or by USD 56 mln, to USD 198 mln. Its EBITDA, in UAH, increased by 37% YoY to UAH 547 mln (vs. UAH 399 mln in 3Q2008). However, in USD, EBITDA decreased by 15% YoY to USD 70 mln (vs. USD 82 mln in 3Q2008).