May 26, 2010Dakor decreases sown area by 4% in 2010 Dakor Agro Holding [WI81 GR], a major Ukrainian grain crop and sugar producer, plans to decrease its sown area by 4% YoY to 66 thsd ha. The company’s total land bank is 106 thsd ha. The sowing is projected to be finished by June 1 (currently 95% done). Of this area, 27.2 thsd ha were sown with winter crops (winter rape, 7.4 thsd ha; winter wheat, 13.64 thsd ha; winter barley, 5.4 thsd ha; winter rye, 0.9 thsd ha) and 38.8 thsd ha with spring crops (sugar beets, 17 thsd ha; spring rape, 3.3 thsd ha; brewing barley, 7.87 thsd ha; and oats, 0.8 thsd ha).