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October 10, 2008
Astarta to extend USD 25 mln loan: POSITIVE

According to an official press release made by Astarta on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the company has received permission from the ABN AMRO Bank for an extension to its USD 25 mln loan for another 12 months until October 8, 2009.

October 10, 2008
USD 70 mln Added to SMASH 2009 order basket: POSITIVE

Sumy Frunze [SMASH UZ, N/R], intends to deliver compressor equipment to the Russian gas monopolist Gazprom. An order was placed in the amount of USD 70 mln, for completion by April 2009.

October 10, 2008
SVGZ - plus 2 thsd railcars in 2009 basket: POSITIVE

Brunswick Rail Leasing (Russia) plans to buy at least 2 thsd railcars from Stakhaniv Railcar Works [SVGZ UZ, BUY], from amongst its production in 2009.

October 9, 2008
Global Sugar deficit to reach 4.7 mln mt: MIXED

According to the updated forecast of Kingsman, a UK-based consulting agency, the world sugar deficit will deepen to 4.7 mln mt (+42% YoY) in the 2008/09 marketing year.

October 9, 2008
Bogdan will cooperate with Skoda: NEUTRAL

The Bogdan Corporation and the Skoda Transportation Company (Czech Republic) have established a joint company "Bogdan" - Skoda Transportation".

Economy and politics
October 9, 2008
Ukraine Parliament is dismissed

After consultations with major political forces on Wednesday, October 8, 2008, President of Ukraine Viktor Yuschenko dismissed the Ukrainian Parliament.

Metals and Mining
October 8, 2008
Ukraine Electricity Production Up 2.3% for Jan-Sep: POSITIVE

According to Ukraine’s Mintopenergo (Ministry of Fuel and Energy), the electricity production of Ukraine’s Unified Energy System (OES) totaled 145,342,300,000 kWh for the period January-September 2008, which is 2.3% more than for the period January-September 2007.

October 8, 2008
SPF to sell its share in MZVM: NEGATIVE

The State Property Fund (SPF) plans to sell its 11% stake in the Mariupol Heavy Machinery [MZVM UZ, BUY].

Economy and politics
October 8, 2008
Ukraine National bank widens FX corridor for 2008

According to the information released on Tuesday, October 7, the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine reconsidered the target rates for the UAH vs the USD.

October 7, 2008
Sokrat: Dakor to produce 110 thsd mt of sugar: NEUTRAL

Dakor [DAKOR UZ, N/R], a Ukrainian vertically integrated sugar producer with a land bank of 122 thsd ha, is going to produce a total of 110 thsd mt of sugar in the 2008/09 marketing year.

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Stock indices

Δ, day Δ, %
PFTS (17:30) Up 266,52 0,09 0,03%
UX (13:59) Down 1 051,86 -1,05 -0,10%

NBU Exchange Rates

Δ, day Δ, %
USD Up 2 603,66 0,55 0,02%
EUR Up 2 912,72 4,26 0,15%
RUB Up 4,41 0,05 1,13%
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