Ukrros [36U1 GR, HOLD], the number two sugar producer in Ukraine, with a market share of 12.7% in 2008, held a meeting to update analysts on its annual financial and operational results.
Kovelmoloko [KMOL UZ, HOLD], a Ukrainian dairy producer, increased its net revenues in 2008 by 7.1% YoY to UAH 285.9 mln (USD 37.14 mln). The company’s net income shrank by 60% YoY to UAH 1.4 mln (USD 0.2 mln).
The Creative Group is a Ukrainian vegetable oil and fat producer.
MHP [MHPC LI, spec. BUY], a vertically integrated holding that is comprised of 20 enterprises focusing on the poultry business and grain cultivation, has released its preliminary financial results for the 2008 financial year.
The Ukrros [UROS UZ, U/R], one of the top three sugar producers in Ukraine, is planning to increase its land cultivated with sugar beets by 38.5% YoY to 18 thsd ha in the 2009/10 marketing year.
Myronivsky Khliboprodukt [MHPC LI, HOLD], a vertically integrated holding with a focus on poultry production and grain cultivation, plans to launch an oil extraction plant in the Chernyhiv Region of Ukraine by August-September 2009.
Last Thursday, the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy started the procedure on processing applications from companies that import raw cane, which is taxed at 2% of its customs value.
Ukraine has launched an anti-dumping investigation on poultry imported from USA and Brazil. Top Ukrainian poultry producers have initiated this investigation.
Sun InBev Ukraine [SUNI UZ, BUY], a leading brewery on the Ukrainian beer market with a market share of 38% in 2008, announced that it has undergone a 5.4 times net income reduction for 2008 to USD 7.1 mln.
According to Kommersant, Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world's biggest brewer, may eventually sell its Russian and Ukrainian beer business as it raises cash to pay down debt.
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