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June 24, 2010
Kernel Purchased 94% Stake in Allseeds
Kernel Holding [KER PW, HOLD], a major Ukrainian sunflower oil and grain exporter, has announced that it has executed its option agreement and purchased a 94% stake in Allseeds, another major sunflower oil producer in Ukraine. According to KER’s announcement, the preliminary EV for Allseeds is USD 210 mln. The final sum is subject to adjustment depending on Allseeds’ audited 1Q2010 results, which will become available by the end of 2010. Currently KER is incorporating Allseeds’ key assets into the company’s own accounting structure. On August 10, 2010 an EGM is scheduled at Allseeds, and one of the issues on the agenda is the disposition of assets.
June 23, 2010
VTB Bank may suggest that LSE exclude Avangard from listing on June 23, 2010
VTB Bank (Kyiv) may suggest that the London Stock Exchange (LSE) exclude Avangard’s [AVGR LI] DRs from listing. VTB Bank believes that Avangard and other entities associated with Mr. Bakhmatyuk might have violated business ethics principles. The underlying reason for this belief is a USD 27 mln loan that the companies refuse to return. The bank started court lawsuits in October 2009 to recover the above-mentioned debt.
June 22, 2010
MCB Agricole begins harvesting; yield prospects up
Ukrzernoprom Agro/MCB Agricole [4GW1 GR, BUY] has started harvesting campaign on farms in the Crimean and Odessan regions. According to the company’s forecast, the total yield of early crops is expected to be 195 thsd tonnes. In particular, the wheat harvest is projected to be 110 thsd tonnes; rapeseed, 27 thsd tonnes; winter barley, 24 thsd tonnes; spring barley, 16 thsd tonnes; winter rye, 8 thsd tonnes; mustard, 4.5 thsd tonnes; peas, 4 thsd tonnes; and soybeans, 1 thsd tonnes.
June 21, 2010
Kernel’s majority shareholder sells 9.4% stake in Kernel
A.Verevsky, the Chairman of Kernel Holdings [KER PW, HOLD] has decreased his interest in Kernel by 9.42%, from 50.65% to 41.23%, through the selling of 6.9 mln ordinary shares of Kernel in connection with a derivative transaction with a London based bank. The official purpose of the transaction is the continuation of Mr. Verevsky’s personal financial diversification. He states that it will not affect his management responsibilities at the company, and his chairmanship of Kernel will remain his main activity for the foreseeable future. To confirm this statement he has voluntarily locked-up further disposals of shares in Kernel for a period of 18 months.
June 17, 2010
Kernel purchases 99.2% stake in Kirovohradoliya from Allseeds
Kernel Holding [KER PW, HOLD], a major Ukrainian sunflower oil and grain exporter, has announced that it will purchase 99.2% stake in Kirovohradoliya from Allseeds. Kirovohradoliya holds the most valuable assets of the Group and produces almost 80% of Allseeds’ total output. Formally, the buyer is Kernel Capital LLC. In June, Kernel entered into an option agreements with Allseeds’ minority shareholders for the purchase of 56% of Allseeds at USD 42 mln, and in February, for another 37.6% at USD 18 mln (according to our estimations).
June 15, 2010
MHP is permitted to export sausages to Belarus

According to the information recently released by the State Committee for veterinary medicine of Ukraine, Belarus permitted import of meat and milk products to a range of Ukrainian meat and milk processors, particularly to “Druzhba Nova”, a subsidiary of Myronivsky Hliboproduct [MHPC LI, HOLD]. The subsidiary is involved in beef and pork production as well as meat processing. According to the MHP, Druzhba Nova is allowed to export all the products—including cooled pork and beef as well as sausages--it produces and processes. However MHP considers sausages to be this subsidiary’s main export item.

June 11, 2010
Russia allows Ukraine to export up to 300,000 tonnes of sugar in 2011
The Ukrainian Minister of Agrarian Policy has announced that the Russian Ministry of Agriculture will allow Ukrainian sugar producers to export up to 300,000 tonnes of beet sugar to Russia beginning in 2011.
June 10, 2010
MHP attracts USD 50 mln from IFC: POSITIVE
The International Financial Corporation (IFC) has decided to lend USD 50 mln to Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) [MHPC LI, HOLD], a major poultry producer in Ukraine, and to partially guarantee the leasing of machinery for up to USD 18 mln. MHP will use these funds to expand its land bank by 120 thsd ha and to purchase machinery.
June 9, 2010
EBRD to lend USD 25 mln to Mriya: POSITIVE
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is going to lend USD 25 mln to Mriya Agroholding [MAYA GR, BUY], a major Ukrainian crops producer. The final decision will be made at the Board of Directors’ meeting scheduled for July 6. The loan may be provided for the replenishment of working capital.
June 2, 2010
Astarta to increase sugar mills’ capacity by 28.6%
Astarta [AST PW, BUY], a major agroholding with an emphasis on sugar production, plans to increase its sugar mills’ processing capacity by 28.6%, to 27 thsd tonnes of sugar beets, by the start of the 2010/11 season (September 2010–August 2011). This increase in capacity will result from a reconstruction program for all mills. This program’s implementation during a new season makes the holding likely to launch its Veselopodilsky sugar plant, which sat idle during the 2009/10 season.

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