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April 14, 2009
Update on Ukraine’s spring sowing campaign: POSITIVE

Ukraine’s spring sowing campaign is gaining momentum. According to an official press release made by the Ministry of Agriculture, agrarians have sown a total 4.4 mln ha, or 96% of the planned area, with early spring crops.

April 9, 2009
Ukraine’s grain exports passes 21.5 mln mt: POSITIVE

As of April 1, 2009, Ukraine’s grain exports reached 21.5 mln mt. This is a record amount for Ukraine. According to Mr. Yuriy Melnik, the Minister of Agriculture, Ukraine is able to export a total 25-25.5 mln mt of grain in the 2008/09 marketing year.

April 9, 2009
Agrarians sow 1.4 mln ha with spring crops: MIXED

According to an official press release issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Ukrainian agrarians have sown 1.4 mln ha with spring crops. In particular, spring wheat was sown on 55 thsd ha (17% of the expected area), spring barley was sown on 1120 thsd ha (32% respectively), oats on 76 thsd ha (16%), and peas on 115 thsd ha (44%).

April 3, 2009
Land West to attract USD 20 mln from 2nd private placement: NEUTRAL

Land West [4K1A GR, U/R], a Ukrainian agricultural holding with 80 thsd ha of land bank in operation, is going to attract financing of USD 20 mln during second private placement. The deal’s details have not yet been disclosed.

April 2, 2009
Astarta to receive USD 20 mln from EBRD: POSITIVE

The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided a five-year loan of USD 20 mln to Astarta [AST PW, BUY]. Astarta is going to use the EBRD loan to increase the energy efficiency of its sugar plants, as well as for refinancing its short term bank obligations.

April 2, 2009
Mriya expanded cultivated land by 1.8 times: POSITIVE

The Mriya Holding [MAYA GR, U/R] has announced plans to expand its cultivated land for spring crops by 64.1% YoY to 98.6 thsd ha.

April 1, 2009
EBRD to invest EUR 220 mln in Ukrainian agriculture: POSITIVE

The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is going to inject a total of EUR 220 mln into the development of Ukrainian agricultural companies in 2009. According to Ukrainian News, Mr. Gilles Mettetal, Director of the Agribusiness team in Ukraine, negotiations with respect to the above are in progress.

March 31, 2009
PBT of Ukrainian agrarians increased 25%: POSITIVE

According to the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, domestic agricultural companies (excluding small-scale enterprises) increased their PBT (profit before tax) by 25% YoY to USD 0.73 bln in 2008.

March 30, 2009
EU’s grain harvest to shrink 8.4% YoY in 2009/10: POSITIVE

According to COCERAL, the national grain trade organization involving most of the European Union’s 27 member states, the estimated harvest for the EU-27 will total 286.4 mln mt of grain in the 2009/10 marketing year.

March 26, 2009
Astarta’s update on spring sowing campaign: POSITIVE

Astarta [AST PW, BUY] has official stated that all agricultural farms which are affiliated with its company are at the final stage of preparing for the spring sowing campaign, which is due to start in the first week of April.

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