As of October 21, 2009, the Ukrros association [36U1 GR, U / R] had processed 389 metric tons of sugar beets and produced 51 thsd metric tons of sugar, which is equivalent to about 13.5% of Ukraine’s overall sugar production for this season. Since the season began, the Company has managed to store 574 thsd metric tons of beets, or 52% of its plan. At the time that the Company posted its report, the Company had harvested 9025 hectares, representing 54% of the total sown area. Ukrros plans to produce 144 thsd metric tons of sugar in the new season. Due to technological innovations, natural gas consumption at the Orzhitskyy Sugar Refinery in 2009 fell from 43 cbm in 2008 to 37 cbm per metric ton of beets. As well, 19.2 metric tons of sunflower was harvested with an average yield of 1.75 metric tons per ha. 23% of the area sown with corn had been harvested, the yields for which exceeded expectations, reaching up to 7.0 metric tons per ha on some farms. In related news, Ukrros has already planted 30 thsd ha with winter crops, which equals 94% of its planned level.